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Computer Vision Basics Interview Q&A🌐👁️

Question 1: What is computer vision? Answer: Computer vision is a multidisciplinary field that empowers machines to comprehend and interpret visual information, mimicking human visual perception. It involves the development of algorithms and systems to automatically analyze, understand, and make decisions based on images or videos. Question 2: Explain the difference between image processing and […]

Statistics Roadmap for Data Science and Data Analysiss

Basic Statistics

Basic Statistics Documentation Table of Contents Introduction 1.1. Purpose of Basic Statistics 1.2. Key Concepts Descriptive Statistics 2.1. Measures of Central Tendency 2.1.1. Mean 2.1.2. Median 2.1.3. Mode 2.2. Measures of Dispersion 2.2.1. Range 2.2.2. Variance 2.2.3. Standard Deviation Inferential Statistics 3.1. Probability Distributions 3.1.1. Normal Distribution 3.1.2. Binomial Distribution 3.2. Hypothesis Testing 3.2.1. Null […]

PyTorch Developers Roadmap

Chapter 4: Building Neural Networks 4.1: Introduction to Neural Networks Biological vs. Artificial Neural Networks: Discuss similarities and differences between biological neural networks (like the human brain) and artificial neural networks. Neural Network Topologies: Explore different network topologies such as fully connected, locally connected, and sparse networks. How Neural Networks Learn: Explain the concept of learning in neural networks, […]

Fundamentals of Computer Vision and Image Processing

1.2.8 Alpha Channel For Image

1. Reading and Displaying an Image with Alpha Channel import cv2 import numpy as np # Read the image with alpha channel img = cv2.imread(‘Cat_Small.jpg’, cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED) print(img.shape) # Display the image cv2.imshow(‘Image with Alpha Channel’, img) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() 2. Extracting Alpha Channel from an Image # Extract alpha channel alpha_channel = img[:, :, 2] # […]

TensorFlow Developers Roadmap

Project 01: Image Segmentation With TensorFlow Image segmentation is a computer vision task that involves dividing an image into different parts or regions. Each of these regions represents a meaningful or semantically similar area. Here are the general steps involved in image segmentation: Image Acquisition: Obtain the image you want to segment through various means such as cameras, satellites, or […]